Aikyna Finch - Introduction

Dr. Aikyna Finch is a podcaster, Social Media Coach, and speaker. She coaches in empowerment, life, and social media at the individual and group levels from her company, Finch and Associates LLC. She is the host of the Dr. Finch Experience Podcast broadcasted by her company, Changing Minds Online. Check out the podcast. She speaks and livestreams on motivation, education, and social media. She founded the Social Power Summit, a live and virtual event for women in STEM and people of color in social media to have a platform where they can shine. Her tech coaching brand called Technically Intuitive® began as a column she wrote on The Coach Guardian, the brand has since grown to include training on social media and her membership site, Technically Intuitive® Toolbox. Check out the brand. Make an appointment with Dr. Finch here.


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